Full-body massage, laryngeal/vocal massage and manual therapy are very effective tools to heal the body.

These touch therapies include all the benefits of traditional massage- relieving muscular tension, relaxing body and mind and resetting the client to their healing, parasympathetic nervous state. They offer immediate results and improve communication between mind and body, aiding healing and preventing injury.


Full-body (or specifically-sited) holistic massage is a wonderfully effective tool to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, relieve pain and stiffness, improve blood circulation, more effectively drain fluid and improve movement. You would recognise it as a ‘traditional’, wet massage with techniques which work from superficial to deep tissue.

During manual therapy, the client is encouraged to enter the experience holistically; what do they notice when touched? Discoveries are made about past experiences, unconscious trauma and unhelpful stories a client is carrying, which can then be addressed. It is common for clients to have moments of revelation and emotional release during manual therapy. It is a dry technique used alone or alongside massage.


Manual therapy, when it is done well, is incredible to witness and experience and I cannot recommend it enough. Rather than the traditional approach of ‘doing something to’ a client, my process is to ‘work with’ them: vocal massage done well is a pain-free experience offering immediate relief.

I work in a completely person-centred way: the session is client-led, and my job is to facilitate healing, which cannot happen when the body is in pain or a state of fear. When the client is safe and held, unhelpful unconscious responses can be rewired.


Alongside the benefits listed above, manual therapy and laryngeal/vocal massage can be instrumental in the treatment of Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD), Relfux (GERD), Musical Performance Anxiety (MPA), swallowing issues, and more.

I offer full-body massage to relieve those aches and pains we all get, and set you up for excellent performances.


I also offer Reiki as an additional therapy which many of my clients find helpful and complement their other treatments.


I am qualified in Vocal Massage/ Manual Therapy and Holistic Massage (Level 3), and am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). I am recommended by the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM), and I am certified in the Prevention of Cross-Infection Post-Covid-19. I am a qualified Usui Reiki Level 2 practitioner.